Hearts and Hands for Humanity (H3)
Completed Projects
Each clean water project includes a plaque mounted to honor the donor in a way they wish. Some want to be recognized, and others want their donation to be anonymous. Either way, we honor them with a plaque. Each well will provide clean, life-saving water for around 2500 people.
Kingonigoni Secondary School
H3 #160
Tanzania #120
Buganda College
H3 #193
Uganda #040
Primary Scool
H3 #262
Tanzania #160
Kerikeny School
H3 #265
Tanzania #161
Abdulahum Bun Auf Secondary
H3 #156
Uganda #027
Primary School
H3 #258
Uganda #062
Primary School
H3 #135
Tanzania #119
Primary School
H3 #273
Tanzania 164
Primary School
H3 #217
Malawi #31
St. Phillips Equatorial Secondary School
H3 #263
Uganda #67
What Makes Us Different
"...teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."
Many other humanitarian efforts in Africa come in the form of a handout from entities whose intentions are good, but merely offer a temporary fix to a problem, rather than providing a viable, long-term solution and encouraging those in need to become self-sufficient.
Although donations are needed to procure the hard costs of the actual drills, wells and pumps, we require the local recipients of these perpetual gifts of empowerment to do the work necessary to complete the process of bringing clean drinking water to those in need.